We couldn’t be more thrilled to announce the winner of the STOP THE BLEED® Response Point Station Grant, valued at $100,000. There was tremendous interest in this grant, from organizations around the country, particularly colleges and universities. And there were so many deserving organizations so selecting the winner was a tough job.
In the end, the City University of New York was selected to receive the grant. We’ll be celebrating CUNY’s grant award next week with an award ceremony followed by a STB training session (naturally!). The RPT team expects to train over 100 people from the CUNY community how to STB!

We are so excited for them and so appreciative of Response Point Technologies support to make this grant possible.

Due to the incredible demand for this grant, we are working towards developing additional grant resources. So if you applied for this grant, please stay tuned!
If you didn’t apply and have interest in the Station – shoot our team a note to let us know!