We launched “Would You Know?” today. That’s shorthand for “Would You Know What to Do? Which is short for “Would You Know What to Do if Someone Has Life-Threatening Bleeding?”
While STOP THE BLEED® is about getting people trained and equipped, it all starts with making people aware of the campaign. We know that once people find out what STOP THE BLEED® is all about, they’re interested to learn more, and then to become trained and ready to help out if tragedy strikes.
We’ve found that one of the great ways to get that conversation started is to ask one simple question: “Would You Know What To Do……..?” The usual answer is no.
Our goal is to someday make “YES!” the most common answer.How do we get there? With your help. Visit the “Would You Know?” page and help us spread that question far and wide. It’s easy to do, it’s fun and it will make a difference.