STOP THE BLEED® is one of our nation’s largest public health campaigns and while we’re excited by the growing number of people and organizations getting trained, getting equipped and getting involved in other ways, we’re mindful that our country now faces a PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, the COVID-19 pandemic, impacting practically all phases of our lives.

The people and organizations leading STOP THE BLEED®, the nurses, the doctors and the EMS personnel (among others), who are training our country; the health care organizations that provide the backbone of STOP THE BLEED®, are all on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. As these upcoming weeks and months unfold, they will need our support.

While our work on the National STOP THE BLEED® Day project continues, job #1 is to make sure we are all doing what we can in our nationwide effort to combat the pandemic by following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and our state and local public health officials. Additionally, and importantly, we need to support, in the common sense ways that all of us can, the people and organizations working hard, around the clock, to mitigate the effects of this pandemic.

Finally, because this cannot be said enough – follow the practical guidelines we have all been hearing about – WASH YOUR HANDS, frequently, for 20 seconds, keep your social distance and generally minimize your need to physically interact with others. It’s unclear right now how long it will be before things get back to normal, but we will get there.

In the meantime, stay healthy!