National Scholarship Winners

This year’s applications came in from all over the country and they were excellent and thought-provoking. From a top group of finalists, 6 winners were chosen – 3 video winners and 3 essay winners.

A special thanks to the organizations that sponsored the National STOP THE BLEED® Scholarships: Stop the Bleed Coalition and TACMED Solutions

National winners – Video

  • First Place Video - Sophia Miller

    $1000 Scholarship and 10 Stop the Bleed Kits to Pilgrim School, California

    View Video

  • Second Place Video - Grace Gilchrist

    $ 750 Scholarship and 7 Stop the Bleed Kits to Orange County School of Arts, California

    View Video

  • Third Place Video - Sophia Tomei

    $500 Scholarship and 5 Stop the Bleed Kits to Harborfields High School, New York

    View Video

National winners – Essay

  • First Place Essay - Bryce Baird

    $1000 Scholarship and 10 Stop the Bleed Kits to Webster County High School, West Virginia

  • Second Place Essay - Sofia Yeromenko

    $750 Scholarship and 7 Stop the Bleed Kits to Booker T. Washington High School, Oklahoma

  • Third Place Essay - Jordan Volle

    $500 Scholarship and 5 Stop the Bleed Kits to Northwest Career and Technical Academy, Nevada

Instructor Impact Scholarships

Thanks to all the students who applied for the scholarships. These scholarships are designed to draw attention to the critical role that STOP THE BLEED® instructors play in the growth of the STOP THE BLEED® campaign and the impact that they have.

Two scholarship awards were given to this group.

A special thanks to the organizations that sponsored the Instructor Impact Scholarships: Stop the Bleed Coalition and Amp Your Good, Inc.

Instructor Impact essay winners

  • Scholarship Award - Katharina Zirn

    $1000 Scholarship

  • Scholarship Award - Ella Bevilacqua

    $1000 Scholarship